Enter the world of The UNCOLLECTIVE Productions, where film-making transcends boundaries. Founded by a visionary black female who is driven by her global experiences, our company stands as a beacon of diversity and creativity in the film industry. Our journey is fueled by interactions with people from every corner of the world, which has expanded our narrative perspective and storytelling depth.

Check out what we’re working on…


White Vinniga is The Uncollective’s newest feature film. Produced, written, and directed by Yvonne Winfrey, this film is a thriller that will have you gripping your seat as it also explores the disparities that exist in race and classism, and how closely the two are connected.

A savvy young African American woman pursuing her master's in a racist college town has more than her wits tested when she is abducted by a deranged local who proves that in some ways, classism presents just as many obstacles as racism.